Poem: The Puzzle

Poem: The Puzzle

There’s got to be a way
To stay above the fray
To send anxiety packing
To avoid a car jacking

I’m no prophet and I have
no crystal ball
I have no idea
who’ll rise, who’ll fall

But this one thing I do know
And I know it oh so well
That life is not money
And the future’s not
heaven and hell

We are born in this vast universe
All creatures, and you and me
We all bring in good or evil
Or hitch on to those who
arrived previously

I had no say about how
this system was built
But I soon realised that
its main premise is
profits to the hilt

Marx and others tried to
change things but only
managed to replicate the
The greed of the few
controlling the lives of the many
Throwing us table scraps
as they feast

And so what? Passively accept?
Moaning out loud: “It is what it is”?
Becoming an accessory in this
monster truck
As it rides over the heads
of adults and kids?

Or resist?
How to resist?
On my bed or
on Twitter?
Or end up hunted
on the official
black list?

The price either way
– go along
or go against –
Has no shades
of gray

It’s heavy duty,
the real shit
Not a video or
D & D game
Whatever you select
You end up bit

We may deny it
In our dreams at night
Or dreaming out loud
in daytime
But then we shake our heads
And collectively sigh
At the system, the one percent
And the skyscrapers of crime

At the end of the day you find out
your choices are limited
That your freedom isn’t as wide
as you hoped it to be
You move the chess pawn right or left
But your alphabet only goes up to
the Canadian zed or the American zee

I’m going to wrap it up now
Still haven’t solved this puzzle
Or cracked this code
Sorry for dumping on you
all these surmisings
Sorry for releasing
The unsolved and perhaps
Mother load / lode

~ Gunnar Våken

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