Poem: Tears

The sky is crying
Or whoever’s up there
Me, I’m down here in the wetlands
Praying I can grow a pair

For what it takes
On the next stage
Avoiding deep fakes
And anti-system rage

And getting the gumption
To make it happen
To escape this circle
I’m currently lapping

The tears are not my own
But nature’s gift in winter
While we rack up our loans
And visit the holiday vintner

Hopes and plans jiggle in my head
As I dream and scheme 7-24
At times in the wee hours on my bed
But never when I’m running
Out the door

Badgers and bulls nipping at my heels
As I make my way to the stage
A human can only do so much
Before reaching the level of sage

On the trail beware
Of falling moss branches
That could very well take off your head
And please do a l’il risk analysis
Prior to taking your chances

For life is limited to a few good years
It’s hard to see in the midst of the fray
Buckle up for the coaster ride
The tears will soon be wiped away

~ Gunnar Våken

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