Poems for Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness

Poem: To Live

Flies get a few days
Squirrels, coyotes, crows
Get much longer
Some creatures outlive humans
Obviously stronger

To live is a gift
As long as we don’t live in strife
Or breed and send it to others
To be a hammer not a knife

Building not tearing
Constructing not cutting
Cease being overbearing
And seeking foes for

Poem: Structural

Manage your time
Before chaos manages you
Take advantage of the clean air
Before chemicals overwhelm
Your nostrils too

Never resigned to fate
I may be slow but at least I’m moving
Increasing my victory rate
Since I’m tired of losing

Onward momentum
Forward motion
Plodding and at times dashing
Preventing erosion

Using words to fool the gods
Expressions to battle legions
The F word ready to be slung as a stone
Fleeing at the first sign of contagion

Key in your password
Enter life and life to the full
Robust, abundant and all that sheet
Hang on as you ride that bull

Poem: Contending

Horns honking, creeks gurgling
Morning spending
Burning calories
Better than hurling

Not every waking moment
Is contending
But a great part of it is
Ignoring at times what’s trending
Straightening that knee
Others want you bending

Snow may come or maybe a heat wave
Things I cannot control
I do what I can, I can what I do
Surging forward, avoiding trolls

Eggs and beef, vegan stew
Watching what you eat
There’s no rule but there are results
Some within, some beyond
Your reach

She said “I have no handlers
Just protectors”
As she stepped up on to
The stage
We could all do well
To learn from her
Her thoughtfulness
And rage

~ Gunnar Våken

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