Poem: I Hit a Tree

Minding my own business
Skipping along so merrily
Enjoying the moment until
I hit a tree

Savage and brutal
Uncouth and unliked
F that tree
Going out of its way
To knock the wind out of me

Like juice in my veins
Like powder up my nose
That tree came out of nowhere
More of a thistle than a rose

Sentimental as I am
Nature-loving as I feel
It makes no sense to me
Why that tree
Couldn’t make a deal

Stop me in my tracks
Knock me to the ground
Sending me to Nirvana
Where I’ll never be found

Luckily I came back soon
Shook my head and then went my way
Like the spiders on the outhouse walls
Damn universe woke me up
Had its say

I’ll never again have the chance
To get tree-smacked mid-trail
If you do, you’ll see it sometime
In a compilation of epic fails

~ Gunnar Våken

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