Poem: Ragey

Dedicated to Zack de la Rocha:

Living on the edge of mortality
Eternal life is one mega fallacy
Designed to stupefy and numb us to reality
And cage our brains
In a distant galaxy

A promise of this, a promise of that
Appealing to our greed, every GD fat cat
We end up like a glorified door mat
Soon on their Titanics of gold
We sink like drowned rats

I’m breathing the wild smoke at 2 am
My asthma’s jacked up as well as my phlegm
Mommy and Daddy assured me they’ll be with me till the end
But where are they when the dark tunnel
Calls me its new friend?

I refuse to go down without a fight
I may lose my hearing but not my sight
I’m well aware of our geo-plight
Screeds may not come in fours
But they do tonight

I’m ragey like a captive bear
Engaged to endure the public stare
B4 you taunt and haunt
My homies emerge from their lair
To bust my ass loose
Guards unaware

Tonight I stalk you in your dreams
Tonight the chill will fill the air till you scream
Tonight the sacred will become obscene
Tonight billionaires’ll be marched out on a beam
Mother Nature’s sword
In its gleam

~ Gunnar Våken

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