Poem: Truth

The truth is in front of you
The truth is within you

The universe keeps skirting along
Churning along
Scurrying along
Galloping along

Trees get uprooted
Clouds dissipate
Also, babies are born
Crowds celebrate

Truth is not what you make it
Truth externally exists
Truth is not your smile, tears
Or shaking fist

It’s often unsafe
To go outdoors
In the strong winds

It may be unsafe
When gas is

Truth is reality
Reality is truth
Genius is not
Mental instability
Kindness is not
Cruelty and ruse

Mid-day movement
Nighttime sounds
Dusks and dawns
The clock, the calendar
All around

Leaves sprout
Leaves wave
Leaves die
New leaves sprout
The cycle continues

~ Gunnar Våken

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