Poem: Elements

The wind blows
The rain falls
I am still here
I am still alive

Yes, I like you am weak
A vessel of flesh, blood and sinew
But there is, in my core
An inner lion
Who cannot and will not fail me

Bastards need not apply
In the royal house
But me, I just stroll in
No security stopping me
No one questioning me

I follow no Mediterranean leader
Nor one from Texas or Colorado
Snake oil is not in my veins

One of the worst things
You can do
Is steal a people’s faith
Pervert it, try to sell it back to them
Then kill or marginalise them
For not buying your
Tainted product

If there were a king on a throne
Sifting through
Your every waking moment
In a last day judgment,
You would be top of list
To be thrown to the
Outer darkness

Luckily for me
For humanity
Their lies are easily trounced

Truth wins in the wind
Although on the journey
In the public eye
It is shoved under a mat

Floods come, storms blow
Top of mind is safety
Although a long
Stretched-out tragedy

Survive the elements
Survive cultist lies
Make it through
The mist and darkness
To finally break through
To the sun

~ Gunnar Våken

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