Poem: Patience

Patience, damned patience
Lower expectations
Increase output
And then? . . .

As I prepare to work
In the field of chaos
My mind sometimes
Is real chaotic
Open doors
Are so frickin’ rare
Competition is
So frickin’ there

Yes, I am sometimes a whiner
Wishing I could be a winer diner

I’d love to be smooth
I’d love to be chic
Up there with the best of them
Taking my pick

Good things
Come to those who wait
Yeah, really?

Patience, patience
If the gods can’t supply it
I’ll manufacture it myself
With solar power
Wind power
And the colours of the

What else can I do
When I have no
What else can I do
When I have no
Silver spoon in
My mouth

I am just like you
One of the struggling masses

Patience, oh patience
Reward me this day
Fill me, oh fill me
Until things go
My way

~ Gunnar Våken

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