Poem: Rise Above

When push comes to shove you’ve got to rise above
The dazing din of foes without and within
The bell strikes again, you’re in the ring and then
Your robust training and laser focus keeps you off the ropes

Never fall for your opponents’ hocus pocus

The world is not always black and white nor is it simply day and night
We strive for survival, to be fully alive
We push forward even when sad or bored
Call on your inner strength to self-rejuvenate, healthy and pink

Parched and thirsty, in the worst way
Straining down the path, kicking your own ass
Forward march down the boulevard
Pushing the limits, pushing yourself to give it

Rise above the tortured land filled with dying or death-bed bands
Rise to the task without resorting to your hidden flask
Rise above the deadly refrains draped in patriotic lies and silly profiteering games
Rise to fight, to shine a light, in darkened tunnels, morning, noon and night

Rise above . . .

~ Gunnar Våken

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