Poem: Spyglass

Gigantic blue sky with wispy white clouds
Serves as a backdrop
To dry autumn trees
Freeway traffic booming in the background
Another day in the Anthropocene

My mind is a vacuum, my heart is numb
I try to remain lively
On this forest run

Are we powerless
On this
Jumbo jet
Hurling through the sky?
Are we just wallpaper
Today’s events
Go by?

Trees, bushes, soil and a
Few scampering creatures
Calmly contemplating
October’s meteorological

My breathing is soft
As I glide over gentle paths
My imagination running
With my seesaw calves

Are we weakened spectators
Good and
Thrashing it out
On grand central stage?
Or foreign entities
Gathering intel
Spyglass in position,

The seasons seize
The clocks clog
The streams stream
All in one jog

Forget the lessons you learned
About the way
Things are or should be
Listen in
To the whistling wind
And gauge your vision
To the shifting

Take the lid off
Your spyglass

~ Gunnar Våken

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