Poem: The Next Poem

The next poem will be
Full of flair
Won’t be caught pants down
Flailing in my underwear

It’ll be slick, it’ll be full of passion
It’ll wow the jurors
And recharge the weary
With relieved satisfaction

The next one’s a big one
A big one with big fun
Charming and witty
With rhymes for the giddy

It’ll knock off your socks
Knock down your
You’ll have it made in the shade

It’ll hit the target
Hit all the highs and lows
Tickle the feet
Of fans and friends
Scattering all warped and wicked foes

The next poem is on me
Free as free can be
Friendly and cheeky
Not at all childish nor freaky

Check it out
The next time one drops
Its music is perpetual, eternal
Designed to never ever stop

The next poem will be
Full of energy
Shaking cities world round
Unforgettably powerful
Breaking sonic barriers
Of sight and sound

Ready yourself, pals and neighbours
And never look back
Prepare your hearts and minds
For the upcoming, mind-blowing
Lyrical attack

~ Gunnar Våken

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