Poem: Expressions

Now I’m in a poetic mood
Ready to exude

For some, heavy and dark times
For others, light but still surreal
This crisis, or series of crises
Tests our fortitude
Is our will made of paper or steel?

I started out in this thing
Already in a precarious state
Living hand to mouth
Week by week
Doing my best to control my fate

Mucho effort
Sparse and scattered outcomes
Is it all really that hard?
Or is my brain hotwired
For breadcrumbs?

I’ve heard some nations
Live in the here and now
And fret not for days to come
While we here fail to savour our moments
Instead busy and worried, like a hammer-hit thumb

Yes, how I’m reminded
That today I must be grateful
Appreciative that I have what I have
I am what I am
Can give what I can give
Fully and happily live . . .

Wise decisions should make
Things go more swimmingly
That ought to be the aim
Even as life treats your ass
More bitingly

Now we’re in crisis
In awhile it may all blow over
Will I face it all like a VW Bug
Or a mighty, fear-nothing

Only you know the answer . . .

~ Gunnar Våken

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