Poem: Glory

Filling the need
Busting the greed
Planting a seed
Doing the deed

Kindness is natural
Order is normal
Science is factual
Lust is hormonal

Grace isn’t supernatural
Blind faith isn’t rational
Politics is factional
Good news is not casual

I woke up after dreams
Of pandemic and strangers
Hours and hours of nonchalance
In the midst of extreme danger

Woke up and said: “Da**,
This is no dream, it’s real!”
This virus ain’t just a fantasy
It affects my next meal!

So, after consorting with wife and child
I texted my friend and called up my kin
My world news feed’s gone wild
“Normalcy”‘s been thrown in history’s dust bin

Sweat’s more than a bead
Pass me the mead
Glad someone’s here to lead
Beyond nutsos and their sheep

In the snap of a finger, the abnormal
Is no longer casual and informal
PJs at noontime are now cordial
We’ve all plunged irreversibly through the

I jog down the street
Half-empty, incomplete
Pop into a grove for relief
Number one on an unsuspecting leaf

Back again at the run
Pondering family and reality
Job search, online lessons
Religion and causality

Pounding the road
Unleashing the load
Kissing a toad
Reviewing seeds once sowed

Altruism is normal
Balance is natural
Growth is hormonal
Change is factual

Glory isn’t supernatural
Open eyes must be rational
Enemy invasion comes to the factional
Alertness is not casual

~ Gunnar Våken

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